
Prayer Quilts/Shawls/Blankets

The Women of Faith handed out Prayer Quilts/Shawls/Blankets they had on Sunday for the sick of our parish.  If you missed out on getting one, or want to help make them, contact Mary Margaret Kissel at 619-698-4845. Who are the Women of Faith? See their page on our website:

Women of Faith Prayer Quilts

The Women of Faith at St. Martin of Tours have been busy.  They have another batch of Prayer Quilts/Blankets/Shawls to give out.  They will be available after the 7 & 9am Mass this Sunday (August 30th).  Note that there are some Pocket Prayer quilts as well (small quilts of a few inches that fit in …

Pentecost Mass for All Cultures

Bishop McElroy will celebrate a Pentecost Mass for All Cultures that will be available online on Sunday, May 31. View anytime during the day. Aurelia Vargas, Administrative Assistant, Office of the Bishop, Diocese of San Diego. Our Life is Mission / Nuestra Vida es Misión