
Precious Blood of Christ

You may have noticed that here at St Martin of Tours, communion is again available under both species.  We used to do it, but it ended with Covid.  We are still adjusting to see what the demand is so please be patient.  And it may only be available in the front at least for now.  Extra ministers are needed of course and they have to be trained.  Hopefully everything will be flowing smoothing as we progress.

One thing to remember is to bow before you receive the cup (just as you do with the host).  And if you elect not to receive the Precious Blood of Christ, it is reverent to bow before Christ, before passing by.  Remember, the host is the Body of Christ and the wine is the Precious Blood of Christ.  Treat them with respect and honor them.

There are two forms, or species, of Holy Communion – the consecrated host, or the Body of Christ, and the consecrated wine, or the Precious Blood of Christ. It is important to use correct terms to refer to Holy Communion.