
Sunday Collections now online

Make online giving for your Sunday collection, special occasions. Click on the Donate button below, Create a Profile or Log-in, and then make your donations. You can review your history anytime you want. Pretty simple. This is only for our normal collections at Mass. Fees for events, Vacation Bible Camp, Youth programs and other things …

Military Way of the Cross

Caitlyn Anderson, a Catholic blogger, a proud Navy wife, and parishioner at St. Rose of Lima in Chula Vista, together with fellow Catholic military spouse, AnnAliese Harry, created a Lenten resource that they would like to share. They put it together for the Military Counsel of Catholic Women. It is called “The Military Way of …

Women of Faith

We have the Women of Faith here at St. Martin of Tours to thank for many behind the scenes acts.  They bake bread that is passed out at the Thanksgiving Mass, they knit the blankets we pass out to the sick and dying, and they make up gift bags for the moms that elect to …