
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers


Since reintroducing the Precious Blood at the Sunday Masses, the response has been exceptional, and I would love to see it become available to everyone like we did pre-COVID, which means having the EEM (Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers) roster grow back to pre-COVID numbers. I know it will happen in God’s time and that he has the perfect plan. As we know, sometimes he calls us to help in carrying out his plans!

I would like to schedule another EEM workshop next Saturday, June 15th 1-3 PM in the Church for anyone interested in serving as an EEM and/or take Jesus to the homebound. Please help spread the invitation to anyone you think may be interested or would meet the requirements to serve in this amazing ministry …. Perhaps even to the person in the mirror 😊

Naturally, all candidates for EEM would need to be vetted by Fr Elmer, and I will take care of that part.

Thank you in advance, and May God Bless you, in GREAT abundance!!!

Deacon Al Rosker


Note that right now we only have enough EEM to distribute in the front of the church at this time. And for more information, please all the parish office at 919-465-5334 or talk to Fr. Elmer, Fr. Chris or Deacon Al.