
Need for Eucharistic Ministers – Are You Called?

At our parish liturgy meeting last night we discussed bringing back communion with both species (Body & Blood). While not everyone is fully comfortable doing this yet, many are.

One issue we have at the moment is a lack of enough Eucharistic Ministers to do this plus being able to make sure any remaining wine/blood is fully consumed before Mass ends. Even if we don’t return to both species right away, we could still use a few more ministers anyway.

So we are seeking volunteers to this ministry to help in the distributing of Communion at Mass and/or for those who cannot attend Mass. If interested please contact the rectory as all requests must first go through the pastor.

P: 619.465.5334

And as you may recall, last Sunday’s readings had to do with hearing the call. Maybe this is your call to serve. Think and pray on it. Act on it.